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제 1 호 The Various General Electives that you should Take at SMU

  • 작성일 2019-03-26
  • 좋아요 Like 4
  • 조회수 20666


The Various General Electives that you should Take at SMU

A Letter Full of Secret Tips for Freshmen 

by Eun-Ji Lee, Editor-in-Chief & Yu-sun Kang, Reporter

dmswl716@naver.com, dbtjs126@naver.com

  The beginning of college life is just around the corner, filled with new teaching styles and new teaching contents. Amid the overflowing wave of knowledge, the recommendation tips of the various liberal arts courses for new students at Sangmyung University in 2019 are becoming a trend that continues through various communities and forums.

Now, here are some amazing lectures that may give you a wider spectrum of knowledge for self-improvement!

< Seoul Campus >

Recommended lectures by Seoul campus students

Law and Democracy/Kim Yong-hun

Purpose of course: Students will familiarize themselves about the meaning and relationship of democracy, the rule of law and the current application status through this lecture. Especially, this course deals with the study of the historical background about democracy, the rule of law, theorists’ arguments, and the present meaning of them. Students will study the meaning of human rights and the current situations about civil rights based on the study about the rule of law and the concept of democracy.

Reasons to take the lecture: Professor wittily explained the latest cases through storytelling. Thus, students could concentrate on the lecture for a long time even though there were 180 students. It is suitable for the student who wants to comprehend the meaning of democracy and the rule of law more practically.

Level of difficulty: *** 

Presence of Textbooks: one selected textbook, some handouts

Tip: If you neglect your study, you will not get an A+ grade because almost everyone in the class concentrates on the course.

English Enrichment (Current Issues)/Samuel Denny

Purpose of course:  Students will be expected to find newspaper articles in English including current issues about the world in which we live. These articles can cover a wide range of topics from sports to politics, and even movies. Based on the content of the selected articles, students will conduct class discussions and share their views about the articles with their classmates.

Reasons to take the lecture: As students will read articles in English, discuss them with their classmates, deliver presentations about the articles, and write summaries of the articles, all of the fundamental English skills will be utilized. Moreover, students will be able to practice their English speaking in a safe and supportive learning environment through this course. And also, students will learn about important societal issues.

Level of difficulty: **

Presence of Textbooks: None. However, you need English newspaper articles.

Tip: Participating degree is really important. Don’t be afraid to speak English in front of your classmates.

Diet and Health/Baek Man-hui

Purpose of course: Students will be able to understand the internal metabolism much easier by studying physiologic functions about the 5 major nutrients. This course deals with the basic theories and various practical problems about the importance of proper food life by figuring out the lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes and obesity, caused by bad eating habits and the unbalanced intake of nutrients.

Reasons to take the lecture: It is good for the students who want to look back on and upgrade their eating habits. Students can easily understand the content of the course because the professor explains in detail.

Level of difficulty: ***

Presence of Textbooks: one selected textbook, some handouts

Tip: The range of tests is wide. However, you will get a great grade if you focus on the parts which the professor emphasized.

My recommendation to freshmen

History of Modern Art and Its Theories/ Oh Gyeong-eun

Purpose of course: This course deals with the study of relevant theories and various ideologies about modern art from the beginning of the concept of modernity in the 19th century to abstract expressionism, pop art, minimalism in the mid-20th century and postmodern art later on. Students will learn about the society, culture, and various works of art of the period when the artists related to modern art were active.

Reasons to take the lecture: Students will figure out that the history of art is a resistance about the conventional limitations of art. This course is suitable for the student who wants to cultivate one’s ability to understand the papers and foster one’s critical thinking. The professor introduces abstruse modern art history to students by storytelling. Therefore, students will be able to understand it more effectively.

Level of difficulty: ****

Presence of Textbooks: some handouts   

Tip: The professor posts the test questions beforehand, so it will be help you to form the answers in advance.

< Cheonan campus >

Recommended lectures by Cheonan campus students

An Introduction to Law/ Lee Seung-taek

Brief summary of the lecture: The world of jurisprudence is a lecture on the vast realm of law. But rather than approaching law from academic interest, I would like to remove the fear and preconceptions of law as a citizen and solve the story of law together. Law is a language that records promises to live together in communities formed by community members. In the end, it is the basic content of this lecture that we, as a people, recognize that the law is what we form ourselves.

Purpose and specific reason why this lecture is offered: The goal is to help students understand what the law is and to be able to cope with it without fear the moment they meet the law in life.

Test Difficulty: *** 

Presence of Textbooks: one selected textbook   

Knowledge Enhancements: a legal sense, political science, social science

Understanding World Mythology/ Oh Eun-gyoung

Brief summary of the lecture: Mythology is a source of imaging, providing so for the growing of delivery art and culture. This course first reviews and then experiences the types of media transformations that occur when they are attached to history, movies, or computer games. This lecture is understood by reading through the main text of Greek, Nordic and Japanese mythology, and by taking a brief look at the creation myth of the major ancient civilizations-imagining sites such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China, the basic knowledge of mythology and by associating it with the context of the process of civilization. At the end of the lecture, we compare the values of each culture with the hero myth.

Purpose and specific reason why this lecture is offered: Throughout the class, mythological texts are read and organized into power points, and the connection with the process of civilization is confirmed and investigated through the reading of myths. Then a comparative analysis of the cultural sphere by the medium of mythological imagination and the original form of the story is carried out.

Test Difficulty: *****    

Presence of Textbooks: some handouts

Knowledge Enhancements: world history, world geography, media and world literature 

Charter of Masterpieces and Humanism/ Kim Han-sik

Brief summary of the lecture: In this lecture, students are encouraged to cultivate a wide and deep personality by exploring the characters in world masterpieces. The course begins by understanding the character of well-known masterpieces, looking at their emotions, ideals and the conditions of the times they are in. Many of the problems of human history are dealt with through characters in literary works, such as what personality they have, what relationships they have with people around them, what moral judgments they make, and how they suppress their passions. Students encounter people as lacking as they are, more courageous than they are, and more conflicted as they are. Also, by experiencing a life that has not been experienced in real life through literature, especially characters, one can gain a rich life experience. The lecture consists of: 1.theorem and introduction of works, 2. reading of the important parts, 3. lectures and discussions, 4. writing of simple appreciation.

Purpose and specific reason why this lecture is offered: There is a philosophical, literary and ethical approach to character building. However, philosophical and ethical approaches can make one feel heavy and difficult. Therefore, there is a need for ways to attract students' interest even if they deal with topics that are essential for personality education. This lecture looks for the method in the approach of well-known masterpieces. For example, instead of asking the question, "Can a man live alone?" we can naturally approach the question above by talking together about the uninhabited life of a character in a novel called "Robinson Crusoe." The characteristic of this lecture is to approach the various problems that human beings can experience and agonize universally through the experience of characters in literature. In this lecture, we will deal with important problems in real life, such as human cloning, extracurricular activities, family problems, and other issues that require moral judgment.

Test Difficulty: **    

Presence of Textbooks: one selected textbook   

Knowledge Enhancements: world literature, psychology and humanities

History of Warfare/ Lee Sang-hyun

Brief summary of the lecture: The history of mankind is said to be the history of war. So if you study the history of war, you can look at the history of human development. In particular, the recent North Korean nuclear issue has brought about a war on the Korean Peninsula. I can't help but wonder what it would look like if a war broke out. This subject understands the concept and universal principles of war, including World War I and II, to understand the nature and importance of war, and to study how and why such methods of carrying out war have been derived and to understand how they will affect us. I will give a lecture in a concentrated and key manner so that the characteristic elements of each war history can be further highlighted.

Purpose and specific reason why this lecture is offered: The study of how to carry out war is to improve the ability to find systematic and creative ways to overcome crises, and if you look at the world's largest operational plan, including World War I and II, you'll have the confidence that you can do it.

Test Difficulty: ** 

Presence of Textbooks: one selected textbook and some handouts   

Knowledge Enhancements: Korean history, world history

We did refer to the syllabus and the lecture evaluations in EVERYTIME. I hope this article helps with your course registration


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