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제 10 호 Continuous Keyboard Warriors: Focusing on Press Fairness

  • 작성일 2021-05-27
  • 좋아요 Like 1
  • 조회수 15659


Continuous Keyboard Warriors: Focusing on Press Fairness



By Eun-Jae Choi, Reporter


  Recently, the issue of the seriousness of school violence has been re-examined with the recent "Me Too movement of celebrity school violence." Entertainers who influence people a lot through media, such as idols, actors, and broadcasters, should be more careful, but public opinion has raised a lot of anger over the many aggressors* of school violence who hurt victims in their socially immoral behavior. However, while the perpetrators were obviously wrong, we have to know a "keyboard warrior" in biased public opinion coordination. So we need to pay attention to another group of people hidden in the case of school violence perpetrators*.

<School violence illustration>

*Aggressor : The aggressor in a fight or battle is the person, group, or country that starts it

*Perpetrator: someone who has committed a crime or a violent or harmful act

What is "yellow journalism"?

  The problem of school violence in the entertainment industry is slightly different from that of the general public. It is the wrong media article that drives those problems. This is called "yellow journalism". The simple definition of yellow journalism is to incite readers with provocative* titles and articles. It is characterized by a tendency like sensation journalism, which stimulates the primitive* instincts* of the public and appeals to curiosity to report on interest. As the logic of capitalist market competition intensifies, newspapers refer to the phenomenon that the content is increasingly stimulating and filled with sensational events such as crimes, bizarre* incidents, and sexual scandals. The characteristic of yellow journalism is that it uses provocative titles in editing and has excessive photography. In 1889, W.R. Hearst's "Morning Journal" took steps from J. Pulitzer's popular Sunday cartoon "Yellow Kid" to create another "yellow kid," and at the same time, the two magazines were fiercely* competing for the yellow kid. It was later referred to as "yellow press" or "yellow paper" for newspapers that published sensational articles. Yellow journalism has been around for a long time, but it can be particularly serious in entertainment events.

*Provocative : it is intended to make people react angrily or argue against it

*Primitive: belonging to a society in which people live in a very simple way, usually without industries or a writing system

*Instinct : the natural tendency that a person or animal has to behave or react in a particular way

*Bizarre : very odd and strange

*Fiercely : in a frightening, violent, or powerful way

Repeated media play and malicious comments

  Earlier, some people were damaged by false information in the’ Me Too movement’. It's Chu, an idol member of ‘Girl of the Month’. Unverified articles related to school violence have grown indiscriminately*, and as various communities and malicious* comments have intensified, related agencies and artists have written appeals to stop. Eventually, the article about school violence was false, which led the agency to file a complaint against netizens who spread false information. Under the provisions* set forth in the Constitution, the press and publication shall not infringe* on the honor or rights of others, public morals or social ethics. It is stated that when the press or publication infringes on the honor or rights of others, the victim may claim compensation for the damage. In order for privacy disclosure to be justified, it means that reports of privacy violations cannot be unconditionally justified on the grounds that celebrities and celebrities are public figures because they must be of legitimate public interest in public interests. 

However, there are keyboard warriors that appear with the wrong press. It's the people who post too many malicious comments. Among celebrities with thick fandom, the victims' protection is not being protected by the incitement* of malicious comments. Regarding the school violence issue, Su-jin, a member of the famous idol "Girls" group, caused secondary damage by writing malicious comments to the victim who was assaulted by Su-jin due to her strong female fan base. The victim eventually decided to file a complaint and responded to the continuous second assault, but the wounds of the victims remained indelible*. 

< Photos of the Me Too movement victim, Choo, and the school violence perpetrators, Sujin.>

*Indiscriminately: in a way that does not show careful choice or planning, usually with harmful results

*Malicious: intended to harm people or their reputation, or cause them embarrassment and upset

*provision : the act of giving it or making it available to people who need or want it

*Infringe: break rules or do something which disobeys it

*Incitement: the act of encouraging someone to do or feel something unpleasant or violent

*Indelible : mark or substance is impossible to remove by washing or in any other way

  The basic mission of the press is to preserve public character and to verify facts objectively. Wrong articles, which were written with inaccurate and sensational titles, continue to appear filled with gossip and sensational articles, not only about victims of school violence. As a result, we should recognize that there is a growing number of keyboard warriors, such as those who post malicious comments with false information, and develop a view that should be looked at objectively and critically, not instigated by media companies. Celebrities who influence us a lot have that responsibility, but there is no public nature, and the yellow journalistic reporting practice of writing articles with information that is overly stimulating and false should be changed.