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제 21 호 How to Fight a Virus That Is Getting​ Stronger

  • 작성일 2024-02-21
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  • 조회수 9012


How to Fight a Virus That Is Getting


By Su-Young Kim, Reporter /kimsuyoung1342@gmail.com

Numerous infectious diseases such as SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 are threatening the health and lives of the people, and new viruses are still emerging.A disease of fear that threatens the health and lives of the people. SARS, which occurred in November 2002, killed 774 people in 37 countries, MERS in April 2015 killed 2,400 people, 830 people, and COVID-19 in China in 2019 killed 6,956,000 people worldwide. Also, even at this moment, infectious diseases are quietly spreading everywhere. a viral infection in which God is unpredictable. What are the causes and prevention of the outbreak?

Types of Infectious Disease

Historically, infectious diseases have been affected by various infectious diseases to the extent that they are said to have been with humans. Malaria and tuberculosis continue to be one of the most common infectious diseases. Malaria is also present in Korea, but it is not fatal. When you go to tropical areas, you have deadly malaria, so you must be careful not to get bitten by mosquitoes. After the Industrial Revolution, tuberculosis spread more through group life such as factories, and even now, college students with tuberculosis bacteria are not allowed to live together in dormitories. Hansen's disease, which was prevalent in the 13th century, is a disease in which fingers and toes fall off. The plague was a deadly disease that is often said to have destroyed the Middle Ages, and by the end of World War I, more people were killed by the flu than by the combat of World War I. Fortunately, the disease, formerly known as papilla or smallpox, has not been reported since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared it to have disappeared from Earth between 1979 and 1980. Most of the infectious diseases of the past have been resolved today, so you don't have to worry too much, but the new infectious diseases are a problem these days.

텍스트, 스크린샷, 도표, 그래픽이(가) 표시된 사진  자동 생성된 설명


The Cause of an Infectious Disease

Why do infectious diseases occur? To cause an infectious disease, you first need a pathogen. It refers to a microorganism that causes disease. You must have this pathogen to cause disease, and this pathogen must be living in groups somewhere. This is called a hospital or a hospital. The pathogen must come out of this hospital and spread to humans. When a person breathes, the virus entering the nose refers to transmission, and it must be transmitted and enter the human body and then enter the human cells. This is the process of invading the host. If a pathogen invading the host is destroyed by human immune function, it cannot cause disease. Therefore, it is said that when immune function is weak, it causes disease, and the host's sensitivity is strong. Infectious diseases are caused by six factors, and there are many different pathogens that cause infectious diseases.

Pathogen viruses have recently been spreading more strongly and faster than before as a new virus. SARS, a severe acute respiratory syndrome spread to the respiratory system, was a respiratory disease that occurred in China, including the swine flu that killed 280,000 people in 2009 and the Ebola virus, which has a fatality rate of nearly 90%. What the deadly 21st century nephrotic viral infections have in common is that more than 70% were infected through animals. Viruses that have caused genetic mutations through animals are highly viable and difficult to make therapeutic vaccines, which are developing into stronger human-infected viruses. SARS originated in Chinese bats and spread through civets, swine flu spread through Mexican pigs and avian influenza through wild birds, and the Ebola virus spread to humans through fruit bats.

Characteristics of Viruses

Viruses are often in the middle of living and inanimate objects in middle and high school life sciences. The reason why we use this expression is that viruses cannot multiply on their own. No matter how harmful pathogen bacteria or viruses are to our bodies, if the number does not increase, we have little damage. After entering our body, the number increases significantly and must be capable of exceeding our body's immune function to damage our body. In the case of a virus, it must enter a person's host cell, increase the number, kill the host cell, and exit. Through this process, the number of viruses increases, and our bodies also have immune functions to fight against them. However, if it takes a long time to have an immune function, the disease occurs first.

8 Ways to Improve Your Immunity

I mentioned above to beat the virus, the role of immunity is very important. Therefore, it will tell you 8 ways to boost your immunity. First, eating a diet full of nutrients is important. A balanced, nutrient-rich diet is key to help defend our bodies against sickness. Fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants that help to stimulate and activate the T-cells which help to activate immune cells to fight infection. Vegetables are also filled with essential vitamins and minerals. Secondly, get plenty of quality sleep. Like nutrient-rich food, quality sleep (6-7 hours) helps keep the T-cells active. Third, stay hydrated. Water is necessary for carrying oxygen to organs, cells, and tissues. Water also helps to remove toxins from the body and prevent toxin build-up. Fourth, limit sugar consumption. Sugar affects the cells in your immune system, including our white blood cells which are responsible for attacking bad bacteria in our bodies. Five, exercise daily. Exercise activates the sympathetic nervous system which is responsible for releasing hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine that activate our immune cells. It’s important to understand that daily exercise does not have to be extreme to reap the benefits. Moderate exercise, such as a 20-minute walk is very effective and not to mention feels great! Six, wash your hands thoroughly. Washing your hands is one of the most effective ways to keep germs from spreading. Some viruses can live on surfaces for hours-some even days. Washing your hands throughout the day can help keep the germs from getting inside of your body. Seven, minimize stress. Minimizing stress is going to help keep your immune system running smoothly. Lastly, you have to get natural supplements. There is no one supplement that can cure or prevent any disease. But supplements can help improve immunity. Certain compounds in supplements, especially vitamins, play a big role in your metabolism and maintenance of the body's immune defenses.

텍스트, 스크린샷, 그린, 로고이(가) 표시된 사진  자동 생성된 설명


As always has been the case in the past, many infectious diseases will continue to develop and threaten us. That's why we have to try to protect ourselves. Let's recognize the dangers of the severity of infectious disease and try to develop immunity and beat the viruses.


