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제 12 호 Extracurricular Programs in Sangmyung

  • 작성일 2021-12-03
  • 좋아요 Like 0
  • 조회수 11609

Kicker: SM NEWS

Extracurricular Programs in Sangmyung

Yeong-Jin Choi, Editor


  Do you know that Sangmyung offers many chances such as extracurricular* programs to students? University is not only a place for learning about each other’s major, but also a place that can fulfill students’ urge to know more about themselves and get chances to fill in things that they are short of. 

*Extracurricular: Not part of the usual school or college course. 

  The motto of Sangmyung’s education is to cultivate* talented people to contribute to culture creation and human welfare. Sangmyung emphasizes five important points in extracurricular programs: Creative, ethical, synthesizing, respectful, and disciplinary mind. Through these aspects, Sangmyung pinpoints into three strategies of concentrating on every single student, expanding the range of extracurricular programs linking with the subjects, and advancing the programs. 

*Cultivate: to try to develop and improve something. 

*Disciplinary: Connected with the punishment of people who break the rules. 

  Sangmyung offers systemized programs that do not offer credits and that achieve the motto of the school. Educational gathering, educational education, educational competition, educational consulting, and educational category test are five types of extracurricular programs. 

  As a student who has experienced educational gathering, English speaking tutoring, before Corona, I got the feeling that it was very helpful of enhancing my fluency in English. When we are attending classes, it is hard to get a chance to speak and share ideas in English even though my major is English. However, English speaking tutoring helped me to use English with less pressure. Sharing ideas of social issues in English was both interesting and helpful. 

  It is true that many students do not usually care much about programs that schools launch, possibly thinking that it is not related to them. Therefore, it would be my pleasure to give helpful information for students to enhance their further participation. If you are interested in attending an extracurricular program, you may find more information within the link below. 

